The Production Team & Crew:
Production :ToastMaster AB Stockholm
Pa :DM Audio Stockholm
F.O.H. sound :Robban -DM Audio
Monitor :Svarten -DM Audio
Light:SSR /Starlight
Light/setdesign:Ulf Brynte
Riggers :Kent Shubring,Samir Lamiri,Kåre Wigforss
AV Conferans :Video Unlimited AB
Stage: Solna Scen & Möbeluthyrning AB Solna
The PA Crew (DM Audio) / the producer is the man i black leather jacket
Lighting Crew
"Samen" the Duracell man!
Solna scen guys
one look......
Arcadia Games was there with Sega Rally games.........
(Kåre & Bullen having a good time!